“Deep State Gangsters” is a captivating full-length feature documentary that exposes the excessive overreach and abuse of state power by the United States national security establishment, also known as the “Deep State.” This film offers an unprecedented glimpse into this secretive world, revealing how it destroys dissent to preserve its power. Directed, produced, and filmed by Frank X. Panico from Xs in the Sky Films, LLC. Prepare to be captivated by the compelling testimony from CIA and FBI whistleblowers—former insiders—and expert commentators.
John served in the Central Intelligence Agency from 1990 to 2004, first as an analyst and later as a counterterrorism operations officer. He became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act—a law designed to punish spies. John served twenty-three months in prison as a result of his revelations that included disclosures on the CIA use of torture against prisoners. He was targeted for prosecution by Director of the CIA John Brennan in an act of vindictiveness that abused state power against a lawful whistleblower protected by the law.
Pedro served in the Central Intelligence Agency from 2000 to 2018, as an analyst, operations officer, counterintelligence officer, technical targeting officer, deputy chief of base in a warzone, and a technical operations officer. Orta served as an inspector in the Office of the Inspector General for the Intelligence Community and multiple war zone tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other undisclosed locations—earning eight exceptional performance awards. But was fired one year shy of retirement after multiple rounds of reprisals for blowing the whistle.
Garret bravely stepped forward as a Congressional whistleblower disclosing FBI abuses of power. His journey began as an infantryman in the United States Army, where he courageously served multiple deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, earning the esteemed Combat Infantryman's Badge. Garret exemplified dedication to his country as part of the 25th Infantry Division and the storied 101st Airborne Division. Transitioning to a new chapter post-military, he joined the FBI as a Special Agent, continuing his commitment to service. However, his allegiance to truth led him to make protected disclosures to Congress, resulting in unjust retaliation from within his own agency. Despite facing suspension without pay, Garret remains resolute - a devoted Christian, husband, and father-undaunted by the challenges he confronts.
Nate’s civil rights were trampled through the FBI’s unconstitutional surveillance and raiding his home, confiscating his personal property, victimizing his family through intimidation and a vicious smear campaign that lasted five years. The FBI also leaked his identity to the press with misinformation in an attempt to destroy his reputation and silence him. It was all a sham investigation to cover for the deeply corrupt Clinton machine.
Michael is the author of “Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains.” Big Intel recounts the dramatic story of the rise and Cold War heroics of the FBI and the American intelligence apparatus followed by its unfortunate slide into Marxist-influenced Deep State dysfunction as BIG INTEL became BAD INTEL. Michael provides expert commentary on a Deep State run amok.
Lee is a veteran journalist whose work appears in Tablet, Real Clear Investigations and The Federalist. He's worked in media for thirty years, writing about national politics, foreign policy, and the press. Lee is the author of “The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President.” He provides expert commentary on the weaponization of government power to silence dissent.