A Light In the Darkness

Jesus commanded us to be a light in the darkness. To shine our light for all to see. Our light must pierce through the darkness and overpower the darkness. But how do we arise and shine? How do we shine our light brightly before all to see? One word, confrontation. The light must confront the darkness and that darkness can never overtake the light. Light always wins.

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The Broken Whistle: Exposing a Deep State Run Amok

We do have a “Deep State Run Amok.” An army of civil servants and political appointees in the executive branch of the US Government who act as if they are above the law. Weaponizing the law the against political opponents. Making up law violations against political opponents. Failing to equally apply the law. Failing to uphold their oath to “faithfully execute” their duties as executive branch employees to the best of their ability, and to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

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